Bioprocess Solutions for 20+ Years

working with Bioreactors, Magnetic Agitators and Automation Systems is an innovative Latvian company that designs and manufactures Laboratory, Pilot and Industrial scale bioreactors.

Our bioreactors feature modern innovations, including model-based fed-batch control, magnetic drives, and complete production line development from seed to production fermenters

  • We design our bioreactors for easy adaptation to various applications.
  • We offer laboratory bioreactors for bacteria, mammalian cells, microalgae and filamentous fungus, all using a common base.
  • We produce pilot scale bioreactors and components (vessel, skid control cabinet) available separately, allowing our controllers to be used with other bioreactors for full automation.
  • We provide autonomous bioreactors and design complex lines for industrial processes, with experience in systems up to 15 bioreactors and 20m³ volumes, all with magnetic coupling agitators
  • We use SCADA software to comply with GMP, meeting 21 CFR Part 11
    requirements. Our quality system is ISO 9001:2015 certified by Bureau

As bioreactor manufacturers, our innovations stem from extensive lab testing and research with scientific institutions. We have provided fed-batch fermentations with microorganisms like E. coli, S. cerevisiae, K. marxianus, P. pastoris. produces laboratory, pilot, and large-scale bioreactors, ensuring top customer experiences by using our products in-house. Our R&D aligns with customer needs, leading to continuous improvements in oxygen transfer, design, user interfaces, component interchangeability, system sterility, and introducing a novel magnetic coupling drive for mixing and model-based feeding.

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