Technological Skid 
Technological Skid transforms new and used stainless steel vessels into bioreactors


The technological skid is used to transform new and used stainless steel vessels into bioreactors.

This skid is easy to connect with your bioreactor vessel.

System includes:

This product is intended for manufacturers of stainless steel vessels and users in need to update their fermentation equipment, because stainless steel has a much longer service life than the automation parts. 

Technological skid is connected with control cabinet which ensures the following fully automated processes:

Control cabinet is made from stainless steel (RITTAL, Germany) and includes the following elements:

Basic Version

In the basic version the following parameters are controlled:

The program drivers ensure the communication between the software and many popular PLC –

PLC can be connected to network of Profinet and Ethernet for communication with other devices (bioreactors, CIP/SIP, SCADA etc.). Profibus connection to LAN or WAN. MODBUS protocol via TCI/IP

The design of all parts can be customized, and selected brands can be adapted depending on requirements.