Our team has successfully completed the FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests) for a state-of-the-art 7000L reactor! After thorough testing and meticulous fine-tuning, this engineering marvel is now being carefully packaged and prepared for its journey to Finland.
This milestone is a testament to the dedication, skill, and seamless collaboration that drives us to deliver innovative and reliable solutions. We wish this reactor a smooth journey to its new home and look forward to the exciting projects ahead!
27,000L bioreactor!
Our intellectual minds engineered, crafted, and produced an engineering marvel that’s set to redefine scale-up solutions.
Our next showcase is even bigger—two monumental 20,000L (WV) reactors. The 7,000L reactor pales in comparison to this giant. In fact, the 27,000L (TV) reactor is so massive, it can easily fit inside the 7,000L reactor.
Each reactor is an engineering marvel, featuring:
🔸 Working volume: 20,000L
🔸 Height: Nearly 10 meters when fully assembled—imagine the dive!
🔸 H/D Ratio: 3
🔸 Inside Diameter: 2.2 meters— big enough for a person to stand in it or next time, we might even fly a drone inside!
Doubling the scale means doubling the impact. This is a huge step forward in scaling up solutions for our clients.
2024.gada 20.jūnijā SIA Bioreactors.net ir noslēdzis līgumu par Eksporta atbalsta nodrošināšanu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru Nr. 17.1-1-L-2024/299, Eiropas Savienības Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projekta “MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstība” (projekta ID: ietvaros. On June 20, 2024, Bioreactors.net Ltd. signed an agreement for Export Support Provision with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, contract number 17.1-1-L-2024/299, under the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund project “Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship for SMEs” (Project ID: