Laboratory Scale Bioreactors

From 1 to 15 Liters

We have over 40 customers in 15 countries. Many customers start the development of cultivation technologies using our laboratory bioreactors and continue production and applications in manufacturing scale with our devices

We ensure full service for our bioreactors application projects, including development of project and qualification documentation, manufacturing the equipment and providing the delivery/montage/start up

1 Liter Twin Bioreactor

bioreactor has a compact, ergonomic and robust design. Temperature control of the bioreactor vessel is made by an innovative temperature control system, equipped with a Peltier element. Consequently, temperature control is provided without connecting the vessel to the bioreactor cooling water source. Magnetically coupled drive creates good sterility conditions

5 Liter Bioreactor

EDF-5.5 is our top of the line model with full automation, compact and robust design. Thick glass cylinder vessel mounted between the upper lid and the metallic jacketed bottom. The vessel is fully autoclaveable and features SIEMENS Simatic controller with full bioprocess automation and upgradeable options.

15 Liter Bioreactor

The EDF-15.5 is an autoclavable glass bioreactor with a working volume of 11 liters (total volume of 16 liters, internal diameter of 200 mm). Our EDF-15.5 can be adapted for culturing mammalian, stem and plant cells.  Depending on the applied microbial culture it is possible to adapt the configuration of the bioreactor in a corresponding way by replacing the stirrer and a bubbling system complementing the aeration gas mixing unit (air, O2, N2, CO2)

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