From June 10th to 14th of this year, our company participated in the international exhibition ACHEMA2024 in Frankfurt, one of the world’s most significant events in the fields of chemical engineering, biotechnology, and process industries.
During this event, we proudly showcased the latest achievements of our Research and Development (R&D) team in the design and manufacturing of bioreactors, including innovations in both the reactors themselves and their components, as well as specialized software.
Visitors to the exhibition had the opportunity to explore the cutting-edge technologies we have developed to enhance the efficiency of bioprocesses and ensure even greater precision in production operations. Our booth attracted significant interest from industry professionals, and we received a wealth of positive feedback, underscoring the high quality and level of innovation in our work.
Participation in the ACHEMA exhibition represents an important milestone in our company’s international growth and future collaboration with partners worldwide.
2024.gada 20.jūnijā SIA ir noslēdzis līgumu par Eksporta atbalsta nodrošināšanu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru Nr. 17.1-1-L-2024/299, Eiropas Savienības Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projekta “MVU inovatīvas uzņēmējdarbības attīstība” (projekta ID: ietvaros. On June 20, 2024, Ltd. signed an agreement for Export Support Provision with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, contract number 17.1-1-L-2024/299, under the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund project “Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship for SMEs” (Project ID: